Thursday, February 12, 2009

Manu's detailed profile.

meandyou sumer camp 2009

Dear Children and Friends,
After the great success of Meandyou Summer Camps for children at Darsana Pastoral Centre, Peechi - Thrissur in 2007 and Majlis Park, Peringanuur - Thrissur in 2008, here we are, back again with this years programme.

's camp is going to be held in a special place, in a traditional 'Ettukettu', in Vellerakkadu on Kunnankulam - Vadakkancherry route, just 26 kilometers from Thrissur.

This year, following the demands made by children, we have decided to make it an Eight day residential workshop, scheduled to begin from April 18th to 25th.

will keep you posted with more the following days...

meanwhile, if you need to know anything more, please feel free to call me. +91 9447194411
thank you